
Booty Call Workout!

Bare with me.

If you follow me on Facebook you've probably seen me talk about filming workout videos. As exciting as that sounds, it's nearly impossible right now with my schedule. What's a busy girl to do?

So for now in the month of August, all of the workouts will have to be read & you'll have to work on your imagination skills. It's not that tough, promise! Then when September rolls around, I hope that I have the majority of my workout videos up that will be on the calendars!! If not, you can yell at me and I'll cry...but I'll try to take it.

Each day, there will be a new post so that means you will have to find some time in your busy day to head over here so that you can check out the blog & your daily activity! Unless it says cardio or gives a specific workout, you'll most likely be over here on the blog.

So today we'll be doing workouts that are great for the Butt & Legs...but mostly the butt. No, this isn't going to give you a bigger booty and make you look like JLo or Kim K, but this will give you a nice booty that is more firm. Nothing wrong with that now is there??

Booty Call Workout!

25 Squats & Bicep Curls
Stand shoulder-feet width apart with 10 lb. dumbbell in both hands. Bend knees and go into squat position while curling up the dumbbell with arms. Release squat & bicep curl and go back into starting position. That is one rep, repeat until finished. 

25 Kneeling Leg Pumps
Get down on all fours, with your knees under your hips and wrists under your shoulders. Pull in your abs, draw your shoulder blades back and down, and lengthen your spine. Keeping your right knee bent, lift that leg behind you, keeping your thigh and knee in line with your shoulder. Both legs should be at a 90 degree angle, one down on the ground and one lifted up. Press your foot up to the ceiling, giving your buttock an extra tight squeeze at the top of the movement. Do 25 reps on one side then switch legs.

25 booty bridge
Lie on your back with hands at your side and knees bent. With your feet steady on the ground & arms guiding, slowly lift your entire body off the floor until you have created a bride out of your body. Slowly release your body back on the ground and repeat.

1 minute Booty Blaster
Stand on both feet with knees slightly bent. Without moving, keep knees slightly bent, step your right leg back behind you then bring it back to starting position then step it out to your right side then bring back in to starting position. Remember to rely on the balance of your alternate leg. This move should be done one step right after the other & not slowly. Do for 1 minute then switch legs.

1 minute Roller-skaters
With knees bent, extend hips back. Step your right leg to the right and your left leg extends behind to the right then step to the left with left leg and right leg extending behind the left. (Imagine a roller-skater & copy that exact move)
I know it can be confusing because there are no photos or videos but if your imagination just isn't that wild, shoot me an email and I'll find some photos for you!!

Work it! ;)

Love, Angel xo

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